Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Why Aren't Journalism Jobs Expanding to Telecommuting

If you look at the life of a freelancer, nothing encompasses it more than that of writers. Writers make up a large portion of freelancing contractors throughout the country, and throughout the world. However, when it comes to stable journalism jobs, you rarely see openings for telecommuting positions. In order to work for some of the top newscasters, you'll have to set up shop at one of their physical offices.

When it comes to journalism, you'll be lucky if you spend a couple of hours throughout the day in this physical office, since most of your time will be spent chasing leads and stories everywhere else. So why isn't there an influx of telecommuting journalism jobs?

Industries are gradually heading towards online based business models, and freelancers are receiving more opportunities in the past 3 years than they ever had previously. No one wants to deal with the commitment of employees anymore, and thats because its a win/win for everyone. You keep your job based on your performance, and you don't have to work on anyone else's schedule, meaning you will most likely get more work done.

This was a thought piece, I really have no real insight on it, because I don't understand why the development of this issue hasn't progressed. But I'd like to know if all of you feel the same way.

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