Saturday, October 22, 2016

CJLeger Updates and Hiatus

Hi Readers,

We know it's been a while since we've posted up any reviews and updates on books and publishing, and rest assured, there is a reason for this. As you know, has grown considerably, and each month we get hundreds of emails and feature requests. We found that it would be more prudent and helpful to take this quarter to reevaluate our staffing needs and internet-based resources.

We've thus taken this time to continue restructuring our staff and planning out the resources we'll need for 2017 to continue bringing our readers, authors and publishers the kind of features they look forward to each quarter. Our boss C.J. Leger has also grown, currently our head works for a new publishing firm in New Zealand as a journalist and is the acting Senior English Editor for two online publications.

With all the changes and updates, we found it fairer to wait until we had our staff and resources on the same page to receive the influx of emails and correspondence, book galleys and feature requests before we start publishing again.

Our clients and independent authors are the center of our realm, and we want our coverage to be fair to everyone, not just represented authors. Therefore, we've created a specific department for these authors to ensure their emails and requests do not get lost in the massive email crowd. As the months progress, we'll have more details on this. Bu until then, we wish you all happy holidays and a fabulous new year.

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