Be Brief
Book reviewers receive many responses throughout the week. Leaving lengthy responses can hinder your chances of being chosen. Most book reviewers do not charge for the service, thus, their time is precious. Your outline should look like this:
I found your blog on (or via) __________. I am writing because I read through your blog and requirements and feel that my book would interest you.
I would be most appreciative if you accepted my book ("Name of book in quotations") to do a review on. Here's a little about my book:
[Book description as printed on the back cover]
...End with a short blurb that addresses any other considerations you'd like to be taken into account. Why you feel the book would be interesting to the reviewer, and whether or not you offer review copies and in what formats....
{A few quoted sentences from other reviewers, either from customer reviews or interviews/blog reviewers.}
{A few quoted sentences from other reviewers, either from customer reviews or interviews/blog reviewers.}
Contact Information
Once you have finished your query, be sure to leave as much relative contact information as possible. Include:
- Twitter handle
- Website
- Also include an image of your book cover/the URL of your book cover. An amazon image is fine.
Follow these steps for submitting a query will make your experience swift and easy.
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