One often thinks of writing as a silent art, where reading and contemplating become actions that people can take, if the material is inspirational enough. But where some pieces may hold an inspirational message, yet not the opening attraction to relay it, other pieces become a show all on their own with a powerful message that wraps you in immediately.
That's what I came accross when I ventured onto The Public Blogger, initially referred to by Kendall F. Person, and found the post One LIfe to Live. If not because another word has not yet been invented for a written pictureless, videoless, actorless, show; I would be tempted to call this post a theater piece. Because that is what is conveyed with the exquisite use of accompanying music, which boasts an immaculate level of inspirational prowess while the reader discovers a poem-like literary performance unlike any traditional writing today.
As I read into the words of self discovery that place power and responsibility of one's success and happiness in their own hands, I found that this post was reminiscent of those internal examinations made by many of our past philosophers. That type of thinking, outside of what the normal reigns of society allow people to understand about the world and one's place in it, is what many great thinkers before us tried to convey to the powerless subjects of rulers, kings and emperors in ancient times; in a world where people did not know their capacity of achievement or that they could control their own destiny.
It occurred to me that we have fallen into similar times, and that great thinkers such as Mr. Person, may very well become the next great philosophers of our time, quoted and referred to by later generations.
Person's use of powerful music to occupy the background as you read paragraphs of human empowerment, make it easier for one to embrace the message, and heightens the experience, elevating it to the status of, as I stated before, a theatrical performance. Void of an actor for which the reader to place his attention and a menagerie of costumes and images, this piece places the reader in a dark space alone, with nothing to judge or compromise their ability to reflect on a message of human empowerment, but their own internal feelings and thoughts of how they view themselves. It is only at this level that we as humans can ask ourselves, "Can I do this?", without interfering thoughts of what society says you are capable of, what circumstances make it difficult for you to succeed and statistical analysis that often place people in a bracket and inadvertently shut them down. For example, reading a report that says 45% of students in Detroit will fail to graduate high school, may put a Detroit high-schooler in a mode that tells him there's nothing he can do to stop this fate. It's inevitable. And no movie, show, or motivational speaker can change that train of thought, it has to come from within.
Person's literary show brings down the walls of conformity and enters the soul, and with a strong force of action, forces the reader to declare war on their inner demons.
Read the original post here. Follow Kendall F. Person on Twitter @ThePublicBloggr On Facebook at The Public Blogger
© C. J. Leger September 14, 2014
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